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Our services


SWOT and strategic gap analysis, in a workshop or independently


Advice and involvement concerning Mergers & Acquisitions


Marketing renewal programs

  • targeted e-marketing

  • integrated marketing and lead generation campaigns

  • key account management programs  


Business representation, conference presentations


Integration into strategy of IEEE, IEC and other global standards and standardization


Market research and organizing intelligence


Coaching and training 

International business development, marketing and marketing research

Business development


SWOT and strategic gap analysis


Mergers & Acquisitions


Marketing renewal programs

  • integrated marketing and lead generation campaigns

  • key account management programs  

Business representation, conference presentations


IEEE, IEC, other global standardization


Market research and intelligence


Coaching and training

Partners network

Power Projects Leufkens collaborates with highly qualified and experienced professional in related areas such as


  • Financials

  • Business Administration

  • HR

  • High-voltage and high-power testing

  • Engineering and building of those labs

  • Marketing 

  • Market Research

  • Renewables and Battery & Energy Storage


Project, program and change management

Project and program management


Change management & Business Process Re-engineering

  • Operational Excellence

Coaching leadership and team development


Executive management

  • Strategy implementation


Setting up and running Joint Industry Projects (JIP)


Acquiring and running public funding projects (like ARPA-E)


Organizing Quality and HSE: ISO 9000, 14000, 18000 and 17025

Recent projects
Siemens Vacuum Circuit-Breakers for Generator Switching

Siemens GCB offers a full line of IEEE C37.013 qualified medium-voltage vacuum generator circuit breakers for voltages up to 24 kV and generators beyond 400 MW. Power Projects Leufkens supports the team of Siemens GCB Director Nils Anger. Together they are collecting the latest findings in vacuum technology and contributing with research and development, after a survey of the U.S. market for vacuum circuit breakers for switching applications was conducted in 2016.

Elements of the current program include:

  • evaluating what technical aspects of the circuit breaker program need independent publication,

  • investigating new applications for this technology, such as for pumped storage, and

  • a program of publication of technical updates (Cired 2017 in Glasgow, IEEE April 2018 in Denver, and Cigré August 2018 in Paris).

Market Research MV and HV GIS on the North-American market

This year, PPL conducted market research together with Newton Evans Research into medium and high voltage gas insulated switchgear (GIS).

We conducted a comprehensive survey and held interviews with around hundred stakeholders as end users, specialized Engineering Procurement Consultant firms, GIS support firms, and manufacturers within the GIS industry.

This research revealed a North American market for high voltage GIS estimated to be worth between 100 and 300 million USD, and over 100 million USD for medium voltage GIS. 

With a market estimated to grow annually at a rate of 10 percent, the industry holds ample room for business growth.

Power Projects Leufkens, LLC

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